Code Official Safety Specialist
Registration now open for On-Demand Training

Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC has partnered with the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation (CEOSF) to offer a comprehensive international Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS) training program for code officials to include Code Enforcement Officers, Building Inspectors, Fire Inspectors, Health Inspectors, Zoning Inspectors, Housing Inspectors, Animal Control Officers, Parking Enforcement Officers, By-Law Officers, and others with enforcement duties.
The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation is the international leader on Code Official officer safety and recognized by the International Code Council (ICC) as a Supporting Organization and Preferred Education Provider.

The Code Official Safety Specialist program is a comprehensive and progressive 5-part series on officer survival principles, concepts, and practices. Each course in this training series provides a foundation for the next course. The COSS program provides code officials foundational safety and survival skills that can keep you to be safer in the performance of your job duties regardless of your job title, department name, or the jurisdiction you proudly serve.
The Code Official Safety Specialist sets the standard on officer safety training in the code enforcement profession.
Code Official Safety Specialist Courses
- Tactical Mindset
- Fear Management
- Verbal De-escalation
- 3 Phases of a Contact
- Surviving a Violent Encounter
Each course is 3 hours and provides 0.3 ICC CEU’s.
*** You your Code Official Safety – Credential of Learning Achievement from the International Code Council. ***
- Authorization from the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation to use the “COSS” acronym upon program completion.
- Official Certificate upon successful completion.
- ICC continuing education credit
- Ability to earn ICC Code Official Safety Credential of Learning Achievement (COS-CLA).
- State Association CEU’s depending on state.
- Training is facilitated by an experienced officer survival instructor with decades of experience in officer safety and survival. Credentials include:
- IADLEST National Instructor Certification (INCI)
- CEOSF Officer Safety Certified Instructor (COSCI)
- Comprehensive participant workbooks with each module that includes activities to reinforce learning objectives.
- Professional growth and development.
- Commitment to officer safety.
Code Official Safety Credential of Learning Achievement
The International Code Council is now offering a Code Official Safety Credential of Learning Achievement (COS-CLA) that goes beyond traditional training in its measurement of comprehension on the subject matter. It validates your willingness to go the extra mile in training and career advancement. The CLA differs from International Code Council (ICC) certifications and education because there is the required components of training/education and assessment on a specific subject matter, it is a different method of obtaining a valuable ICC Credential based on training and testing.

- Register for all 5 courses at discounted rate of only $250.00 per person.
- You will not find a more comprehensive code official safety training program facilitated by a highly experience officer survival instructor at a lower price.
REGISTER TODAY: Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS)
Officer Survival for Code Enforcement Officers
The instructor for the Code Official Safety Specialist training is Scott Kirshner who authored the popular book Officer Survival for Code Enforcement Officers which is a resource used by numerous departments, code professionals, colleges, and state associations.
Why THE COSS program

Code professionals have been seriously injured or killed in the line of duty by violence. These were your peers and they did a job very similar to what you do on a daily basis. As a code professional, regardless of your job title or the name of your department, now is the time to commit to your safety. Now is the time to acquire training so you have a better understanding of what to do in the worst-case scenario where avoidance and de-escalation are not options to prevent or mitigate violence.
The reality is that situational awareness, avoidance tactics,
and de-escalations skills are NEVER 100% effective.
Yes, you must absolutely learn, practice, and develop these skills but you also must be prepared for situations when these skills do not work and violence is unavoidable. It has been proven time and time again in a variety of violent encounters that the failed mantra of “just walk away” is not a safety plan. It is “best-case scenario” wishful thinking that will not serve you well in the worst-case scenario of a violent encounter such as an ambush attack.

The Code Official Safety Specialist program provides comprehensive officer safety and survival skills. Violence doesn’t care about your job title, department name, or jurisdictional boundaries which is why all code officials can benefit from this training. Whether you are new to the profession or a seasoned veteran of code enforcement these courses will provide you with applicable information and skills that you can implement as a code official. Scott Kirshner of Dedicated Threat Solutions has developed this curriculum which is presented in a very logical and precise manner based on years of experience training in officer safety and survival. Each course comes with a participant workbook with activities that will help you solidify your knowledge and understanding of the presented material.
Why Dedicated Threat Solutions and the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation Partnered
Passion and Commitment
Dedicated Threat Solutions and the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation are in alignment in our passion and commitment to officer safety for all code officials regardless of job title, department name, or the jurisdiction being served. Dedicated Threat Solutions is proud and honored to partner with the Foundation, a nonprofit, that is driven to serve code professionals by making positive change and contributions to the profession so that all code officials are safer in the performance of their job duties.

Still not convinced the Code Official Safety Specialist program is right for you. Remember this truth written well over 2,000 years ago from Archilochus:

REGISTER TODAY: Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS)