A “Dedicated Threat” is a person or persons whose main goal, desire, and motivation is to severely injure or kill you by any means necessary.

A Dedicated Threat is the proverbial worst–case scenario. When engaged in a physical confrontation you must never give up. Surviving an attack depends on your ability to focus on the task at hand, outlast your attacker(s), and respond appropriately. You are never going to give up and as long as you are alive and breathing you will do everything within your power to survive this violent engagement. Mindset is a critical component when it comes to surviving a violent encounter against a Dedicated Threat. As is often said, “The will to win beats the skill to win.” This quote speaks directly to the importance and relevance of having a never quit mindset.
If your training is not dealing with the worst-case scenario against a Dedicated Threat then your training is failing you.